Follow Your Happiness Inside Mindset is Everything

Monthly Archives: April 2024

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Prioritize Your Priorities

With a million things competing for our attention it seems we sometimes forget to prioritize our priorities. Going to work, cleaning, cooking dinner, family obligations, friends needing help…the list of things we want to do is endless. In the midst of all that we often forget to prioritize the very things that are most important to us.

Working to provide a better life for your family, yet then not being fully present when you are around them. Wanting a better life for yourself, but then using distractions for that little burst of happy after a hard day. You want to prioritize health and fitness but there just doesn’t seem like there is enough time in the day. We all have the same amount of time in each day; however, some people have learned to utilize their time more efficiently by focusing on their priorities each and every day.

For example, if you want to prioritize more quality time with loved ones it may be a good idea to schedule in 15 minutes of undivided attention for each other. Instead of constantly saying I’ll do it when I’m done cleaning, shopping or whatever else is on your to do list for the day. Set the timer for 15 minutes and create a ritual or habit where you do something special with each other during that time.

If you want to prioritize health and fitness focus on the benefits of why you want those things. Why do you want to be healthier or more fit? Could you possibly fit in 20 minutes of an easy strength work out? Or better yet if you love to socialize start creating more events with friends and family that are more fitness oriented.

Another helpful way to focus on your priorities is to remind yourself every day that they are important to you. Schedule them in just like you do your workday, doctor appointments or special events. What three things are your top priorities? Family? Work? Career? Learning a new skill? Once you find what your top three priorities are start creating habits to do them every day.

Why is it so hard to be HAPPY?

We have major advances making our lives better and easier, yet it seems like people aren’t any happier. Humans are living longer than ever before, have access to modern medicine, free education, and ready made food. None of these things however speak to what is in our souls. With all the modern conveniences many of us have lost our purpose, our sense of community. We work jobs that we don’t like in order to survive, not being fulfilled in the work that fills our days.

Many people get stuck in this cycle of wanting more for themselves and their families yet are too scared take a risk to switch to something more rewarding. We distract ourselves with purchases and entertainment, forgetting our worries for a bit. We fail to believe in ourselves. We fail to believe in possible success, so we don’t try. Or perhaps if we do try, we give up too easily.

What makes your heart sing? What things bring you the most joy when you do them? If you could do something to make the world a better place what would you do?

If I could do one thing to make the world a better place I would help people get in touch with what their soul is crying out to do. I would want to teach them how to listen to themselves and follow their heart. Teach them to believe in themselves enough to go after their dreams.

I believe when we are listening to ourselves and following our soul’s calling it makes us happy. What do you believe is the key to being happy?